Wellbeing at Christ Church School
Sports, arts, celebrating diversity and pastoral care and wellbeing are really important to us at Christ Church and our vision is for every child and every adult in our school to experience life in all its fullness now and in the future.
We are proud of our continued commitment to children and adults' wellbeing through initiates such as 'Wake and Shake' and building resilience during our 'try something new' weeks.
We have held whole school 'Happiness projects' in 2016, 2018, 2021 and 2023 explicitly teaching about wellbeing and empowering children and adults to understand how they can support their own mental health.
Click here to find out more about our latest Happiness Project.
We have been a lead school for Camden Mental Health Hub since 2017 and have worked with other schools on resources such as the links between sleep and mental health.
We have a continued focus on Staff wellbeing as we believe this is key to being a successful and happy school.
We have worked hard to involve parents providing a number of workshops (Click here to see information from parent workshops)
Each year we have three PSHE weeks where we interlink some of the curriculum objectives to wellbeing. Please see our events pages for more information about PSHE weeks.
Happiness Project
The aim of the Happiness Project was to develop and embed understanding of ways to keep ourselves and others happy.
This was a whole school project consisting of ten weeks with ten themes based around the ‘Action for Happiness’ themes (click here to link to the Action for Happiness website)
Each week we had assemblies, work in all classes, workshops, visitors and parent and staff workshops to teach children about positive mental health.
The ten themes were: Setting goals, Giving, Friends and Family, Try Something New, Emotions, Health Body, Simplicity (Mindfulness), Celebrating Differences, Resilience and Belonging.
Continued focus on wellbeing
We continue to develop and promote wellbeing and positive mental health for children and staff. For example, we give children the opportunity to volunteer in a local centre for older people and we have set up a staff group who plan a termly staff wellbeing week.

We are proud to have been awarded the Wellbeing Award for Schools, showing that wellbeing is central to all that we do at Christ Church.
'Wellbeing is integral to all the school does. The values of the school instill a strong sense of community and underpin a culture in which pupils and staff are empowered to take responsibility for their own and others’ wellbeing.' (From our verification report)
I think it's given him more skills, deeply connected him to the school and genuinely helped him to be happy. (Parent)
The main thing is that my child now knows that being happy can be within her own control. (Parent)