
Our maths curriculum is planned so that children develop fluency and automaticity in basic maths skills and a very good understanding of number. Our planning and teaching builds sequentially from year group to year group in line with the National Curriculum objectives and building on children’s number, shape, space and measures learning in Reception.

We teach maths fluidly, revisiting each topic in the curriculum for that year group several times in the year to ensure that all children make good progress towards the end of year expectations and that they all have secure methods for calculation in the four operations. Children’s knowledge and skills in different areas of maths is deepened with problem solving and reasoning activities. Reasoning activities for children of all abilities are embedding across each week and allow children to apply their maths skills and knowledge to varied contexts and real life situations.

Our times table challenge begins in Year 2 and children are challenged to learn and then recall their tables fluently to achieve awards of different levels.

Children are given the opportunity to apply their maths skills regularly in other curriculum areas, such as Science, Geography and Computing and the learning of some children in Year 5 and 6 is enriched with weekend master classes at the Royal Institution.

Parent workshops in both KS1 and KS2 share our progression in calculation skills with parents and provide them with resources so that they are confident to support their children’s maths learning at home.

You can read our Autumn 2021 curriculum report for Maths here.

You can read our Autumn 2022 curriculum report for Maths here.

You can read our Autumn 2023 curriculum report for Maths here.