Physical Education
PE is taught by a specialist teacher building skills sequentially in several different games, gymnastics, dance and athletics as set out in the National Curriculum and building on the development of gross motor skills in the Physical Development area of learning in Reception. Many transferable skills such as good sportsmanship, communication, team work, problem solving and development of specific, technical vocabulary, are also built throughout our PE lessons. We use local facilities such as Hampstead Heath and a local sports hall to add to our PE lessons in school, with Y2-Y6 spending an afternoon a week on the Heath for additional sports provision. Swimming is taught in an intensive course in Year 3 at a local swimming baths. Outdoor and adventurous activities are taught through our Year 6 school journey and orienteering activities on Hampstead Heath. Our PE teaching in dance is often supplemented through our Christ Church Arts Project performances which have included street dance, folk dance and musical theatre productions in recent years.
Our curriculum teaching is enriched considerably by a wide-ranging after school club offer, including physical activity clubs for all ages each term, and entries into many KS2 competitive and inclusive tournaments.
We hold a current Gold School Games award recognising the breadth and quality of our PE and Sport provision.
You can read our Autumn 2021 curriculum report for PE here.