Religious Education

In RE we learn from religion as well as about religion. As a Church of England school our RE curriculum has a two thirds focus on Christianity with children learning about the key festivals of Christmas and Easter, as well as several Bible topics each year. There are also many opportunities for children to compare different faiths and each spring term each class has a focus on learning about one of the major world faiths, including a visit to the place of worship. Classes currently visit Belsize Square Synagogue, London Buddhist Centre, Regents Park Mosque, Neasden Mandir and Central Gurdwara as well as learning about Christianity through visits to Christ Church, other local churches, St Paul’s Cathedral and Westminster Abbey. Our plans are based mostly on the LDBS syllabus where each unit of learning is framed around a ‘big question’. Children’s skills and understanding in areas including ‘beliefs, teachings, sources of wisdom and authority’, ‘questions of meaning, purpose and truth’ and ‘ways of expressing meaning’ are developed progressively throughout the school. We hold a current Gold RE Quality Mark accreditation.

You can read our Autumn 2022 curriculum report for RE here.

You can read our Autumn 2023 curriculum report for RE here.

You can read our 2023/2024 RE curriculum report here.