SEND at Christ Church
We welcome children of all abilities in our school and are very proud of the progress that children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities make in our school. Our vision at Christ Church is enable all in our school community to experience life in all its fullness, both now and in the future, and this is a key aim in the way we support and provide for children with individual needs.
Christ Church School is an inclusive school where everyone works hard to ensure that every child makes the greatest possible progress in all areas. We have a school where we expect and help all children to learn and play together whatever their abilities, differences or individual needs and where every child feels included in all the varied activities we offer.
We believe that progress in wider skills, for example speaking and listening to others, maintaining friendships, developing independence, managing feelings and keeping yourself safe and healthy, is just as important as progress in academic learning. In fact, progress in these wider skills goes hand in hand with academic learning.
We help children to make great individual progress in all areas by working in partnership with parents/carers, listening to and acting on their concerns, discussing children’s strengths and individual needs honestly and planning provision and next steps together. We also work in partnership with external professionals, linking them with families and acting on their advice.
We hope this policy document provides the information that parents need about our provision and practice in this area. Please do contact our Inclusion Leader for a discussion about your child’s individual needs or if you have any questions about our provision.
Camden’s Local Offer
We contribute to Camden’s local offer which can be found here: