Christ Church School is a Rights Respecting School!

As a rights respecting school we:

  • make children, staff and parents aware of the articles in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • have rights embedded in our ethos and relationships and in our curriculum and classrooms
  • listen to pupils’ ideas and take children’s views seriously
  • teach children to be global citizens
  • teach children about how they can make a difference in many different ways


You can read our most recent Rights Respecting Schools accreditation report from UNICEF here. 

You can find out more about our rights respecting work and read our leaflet for parents here.

You can read the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child here 

You can find out more about UNICEF’s work and how you can support them here.

You can find out more about the rights respecting schools accreditation run by UNICEF here.

Recent examples of our Rights Respecting Schools work

October 2023: Sustainable Development Goals art exhibition

Each child created art work to promote one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We share our creations with family and friends in an exhibition and in a calendar.

You can see more information about our exhibition here and more of our art works here.

July 2021: Gold re-accreditation

You can read our Gold Rights Respecting Schools report here.

We were pleased that UNICEF acknowledged our exemplary use of their Article of the Week resources during the periods of home learning.

June 2021: Class projects – making a difference to others

Some of the children’s ‘Have your say’ presentations developed into class projects designed to help uphold children’s rights and work towards sustainable development goals.

  • Year 4 were inspired by one classmate’s presentation to create their own free little library which is now in use by the local community outside school
  • Year 2 wanted to take action on food poverty locally; they wrote to our local MP and collected food for a local food bank
  • Year 5 took action in our school to ensure that any waste from break time fruit is composted rather than going to landfill

May 2021: ‘Have your say’ presentations

All the children in Y1-6 had the opportunity to plan and deliver a presentation to their class on a topic they are passionate about, something they think more people should know about or something they would like to change.

Topics ranged from dyslexia, female representation in parliament and how to eat to save the planet to growing strawberries, arctic reindeer and Tchaikovsky. Some of the presentations have been shared more widely with our Governing Body and a local councillor.

You can see more about our ‘Have your say’ presentations here.

February 2021: Our Art Exhibition shared by UNICEF!

Our Art Exhibition, inspired by the UNCRC and the Sustainable Development Goals, featured in one of UNICEF’s Article of the Week presentations teaching all about Article 31: the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities. It was great to see it being shared more widely with Rights Respecting Schools across the UK!

November 2020 – Art Exhibition

All classes created individual and group art works inspired by Articles in the UNCRC and by the Sustainable Development Goals. We shared our art works with our school and wider community with an online art exhibition on Outright Day and in a 2021 calendar.

You can see our whole online art exhibition here

You can see more information about each class’s art works here: