Links Camden Safeguarding Children Board online safety leaflet for parents Teach Your Monster To Read Games to support your child’s reading Parent Online Payments Christ Church Ofsted Report Camden Schools Admissions Camden LEA schools admissions information School Dinners Caterlink website providing information about school dinners London Diocesan Board for Schools London Diocesan Board for Schools: supporting Church of England (and other) schools in London. Find out about teacher training opportunities. Christ Church Parish Website Stay in touch with our parish church Common Sense Media Parents – great place to establish if games / films etc are suitable for children Online safety O2 and NSPCC O2 and NSPCC sponsored – great advice and information for parents about online safety Online Safety CEOP For children and parents: Online safety games and advice Coding with Scratch Endless opportunities to create using block coding from scratch Hour of Code Lots of games promoting coding concepts Coding with Lightbot Fun game introducing coding concepts such as loops and procedures Royal Institute of Science Lovely website with ideas of simple science experiments you can do at home Cbeebies Stories Songs and stories from Cbeebies Phonics Play Games to support learning phonics – all phases Mental Maths Game: Hit the Button Mental maths: practise times tables, number bonds, halves and doubles Maths Zone Portal to lots of different games – search by maths topic Maths Challenges from Nrich Fabulous maths challenges for all ages which are updated each month. BBC Bitesize English, Maths and Science games and information for children in KS1 and KS2. Arcademics Games Educational games to support learning (Maths and word games)