Design and Technology
All children complete a DT project at least once a term, ensuring progression in skills through the school in the four areas of designing, making, evaluating and technical knowledge, as set out in the National Curriculum and building on children’s learning in Reception. Children’s skills are developed within the varied contexts of building structures of different types, using mechanical and electrical systems and working with textiles, and each area is revisited in different year groups to deepen children’s knowledge and understanding.
Our cooking activities in DT often link to our PSHE healthy living week in the Spring term and some of our DT projects lead to creation of products that children can sell at our Christmas and Summer Fairs, identifying a real purpose for the designing and making process.
Learning in DT has been enriched by recent workshops where children have the opportunity to create large-scale musical instruments and by trips to a cookery school to learn about different ingredients and safe and hygienic food preparation. Our Tech and Cookery after school clubs also contribute to enrichment in this subject area.
You can read our Autumn 2021 curriculum report for Design & Technology here.
You can read our Autumn 2022 curriculum report for Design & Technology here.
You can read our Autumn 2023 curriculum report for Design & Technology here.