PSHE and Citizenship

Our PSHE and Citizenship curriculum and progression incorporates the statutory DfE Health Education and Relationships Education guidance but also reaches much wider. Our main PSHE teaching and learning is focused in a whole school PSHE week each term as we have found that this has most impact for children and families:​

Autumn term: positive relationships and diversity

Spring term: keeping healthy and safe

Summer term: living in the wider community and being a good citizen

Throughout each of these weeks there is a high focus on ensuring children learn how to be safe in different situations, as well on global citizenship, sustainable development and British values. Each of these weeks is enriched and brought to life through several workshops in school (e.g. from the police, fire brigade, NSPCC) and visits (e.g. to Waitrose cookery school, Houses of Parliament). Each week also involves parent workshops and homework activities to consolidate and build on children’s learning in school.

Building PSHE skills in areas such as relationships, friendships, resilience and problem solving also continues throughout the year, including through circle times and class discussions and our annual anti-bullying focus. Our RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) teaching is part of PSHE and Science teaching across the school with a particular focus and associated parent workshop in Year 5 in the Summer term. Our Relationships and Sex Education policy and resources were comprehensively reviewed, in consultation with parents, governors, staff and children, in line with DfE statutory guidance on Relationships Education.

We run a whole school Happiness Project focused on mental health and emotional well-being every two years which complements our PSHE work in this area.

Click here for more information on our Happiness Project.

We hold a National Well-being Award for Schools recognising our work in supporting children’s emotional well-being and mental health and a current Healthy Schools Gold accreditation.

You can read our Autumn 2021 curriculum report for PSHE here.

You can read our Autumn 2022 curriculum report for PSHE here.

You can read our Autumn 2023 curriculum report for PSHE here.

You can read our 2023/24 PSHE curriculum report here.