
In Reception and Year 1 we use the backgrounds of the children within our classes to provide a taster of different languages; we have a very diverse range of languages spoken by children and families across the school.

A specialist teacher teaches French to Years 2-6 in weekly lessons with the aim of developing basic speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in line with the National Curriculum expectations, as well as confidence and enjoyment in learning a new language.  Learning of phonics, vocabulary, grammar and the application of language skills builds progressively throughout Years 2-6. Grammar teaching and learning in French makes connections to grammar learning in English where relevant.

Languages learning is enriched by languages after school clubs for both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.

You can read our Autumn 2021 curriculum report for MFL (French) here.

You can read our Autumn 2022 curriculum report for MFL (French) here.

You can read our Autumn 2023 curriculum report for MFL (French) here.

You can read our 2023/24 MFL (French) curriculum report here