Reception Class Admissions
The Governors welcome visits from parents or their representatives before expressing a preference for the school. If they would like to visit they should contact the school office and make an appointment to meet the Head teacher who shows parents around the school each week in the Autumn term.
The Governing Body intends to admit 28 children to the Reception class each year.
Applications are made by completing the Local Authority Common Application Form within the designated time frame (available on Local Authority websites) and should be submitted to the parents’ own Local Authority or via the e-admissions website. The deadline for applications for a Reception class place for the 2025-26 school year is 15 January 2025. Please click here to go to the Camden Primary Admissions website for more information.
Please read the school’s admissions criteria carefully before applying. If the school receives more applications than it has places to offer, the Governors will offer places in accordance with our admissions policy:
For applications under oversubscription criteria 2, 3, 4, 6 or 7, in addition to the Local Authority form, parents should complete the school's Supplementary Information Form and return it directly to the school office no later than the Local Authority closing date for applications. A Supplementary Information Form can be obtained from the school office or downloaded here Supplementary Information Form.